Welcome to some vintage Quartz! Back before there was idlecircuits.com, back before there was even Dave's Temp Name Page, there was Quartz's Jumpstation. Take a jump back in time to when xhtml was nonexistent, 56k was just becoming the norm, and raves were still in vogue. My first site ever, Rocks Galore, is now back up in all of its initial glory, as well as a few other sites long past... enjoy your visit.
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is a site containing a virtual sampling of my rock collection. Racks Galore was my first site ever, and it was put together using an ancient RCA VCR/Camcorder pair and a Performa 638CD. The site is still going strong, now with 21 images and descriptions of each type of rock on display. Possibly more updates to come this summer.
Pages on this site:
Pages on this site:
Possible topics for sites in the future: Writing, 3D graphics, original sketches, hotline server info, carracho server info, TI-83 specialized encryption and security programs
Tell me what you think of my sites:
Most text and images © David Kibrick 1999. All Rights Reserved. Please contat the webmaster before using information from this page at . Jumpstation version 1.0 - always under construction. Built with BBEdit Lite 4.0. This is fine print that almost nobody reads, so I can really write almost anything I want here. Howdy, campers! It's Cooold out there! Many thanks to the producers of this webpage: David Kibrick, his G3 266, his keyboard and mouse, GreyAmp and a number of different soundtracks, the staff at Bare Bones Software, Leela, Simpletext, Metrowerks Java (coming soon, I hope), my poor old Performa 638, Tycho, my uMax Astra 1220 scanner, my parents for paying for it all, Durandal, K'z'k, those great people at Sluggy Freelance, Real Java (on occasion), Kevlar by DuPont, those great people down at Smith and Wesson who make it necessary, my Yamaha PSR-420, my spiffy Ethernet hub, my precious bodily fluids, Urusei Yatsura, Legacy Inkjet paper, my pet 8-inch-long goldfish, my super-high-quality generic Sony headphones, and most definitely not Bill gates. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day.