My Anime Site, which will contain anime-related material.
Selected links:
The TI Calculator Program Archive, which has tons of programs for the TI-82, -83, -85, -86, and -92.
The Smithsonian Gem and Mineral Collection, which has some great pictures of gems and minerals from the Smithsonian.
The Unofficial Marathon Headquarters, which has a good index of Marathon-related sites.
Javascript made Easy! This is where I got most of my cool Javascript stuff from. This site has a ton of scripts for every concievable purpose, and is very useful for sprucing up your website.
Online Map-Making is a site that lets you design maps using 6 different projections.
The SurfNetUSA Ping Page is a page that tells you the exact route a packet took to get to the site you specify.
Traffic-Building Web Tools has some good utilities, such as checking how fast your site loads and whether you have any broken links.
SiteInspector has a number of utilities to inspect your site.
Glass Dragon is a cool MUD server.